Call Us: 1-818-700-6373

Pride in the Strength of Our Commitments

In the nationwide realtor community, meeting deadlines and keeping promises are paramount to the reputation of a direct mortgage lender. Tandem Mortgages prides ourselves on our solid and trustworthy reputation of meeting our commitments and helping our clients achieve their ambitions.


Our Network is Here for You to Join and Grow

The Tandem Mortgage network is comprised of thousands of reputable and professional realtors. By joining our professional network, you can easily connect and form quality business relationships that will help you get your loans funded on time while minimizing the risks. Find out more about what thousands of realtors have already utilized to make their productivity climb to greater heights than ever before.


A Resource You Can Depend Upon

Choosing a loan can be daunting at any stage of experience. Our expertise in evaluating the options for loans available to you will help reduce the insecurity and allow you to confidently choose a loan that will best suit your interests. Loans can then be monitored via our system, making the loan experience much more simple, understandable, and reassuring than before.


Martin O.
Professionalism and deep knowledge of their industry were the qualities I felt stood out the most from the team at Tandem Mortgage that I was working with. I felt that they handled my home loan with the right personal touches and assertiveness needed to make me feel at ease and confident that I was going to get what I wanted. If there was a like button here, I’d hit it three times!
George H.
When I first started this mortgage lending process, I felt like I was stuck in a web of confusion. Tandem Mortgage quickly helped me feel untangled and I felt a sense of clarity as we moved forward with what I would consider to be relative ease. I always knew what the status of my loan was and i had a great experience dealing with everyone - from the loan officer to the underwriter - the team really made me feel like I was right there with them the whole way through. That’s the kind of service that helps me feel good about making recommendations to my family. Thanks Tandem!
Armand S.
I can’t say it loud enough - thank you Tandem Mortgage! Throughout the entire home loan process, the customer service was on point. My calls and emails were promptly answered and, believe me, I had a lot of questions! I now proudly include Tandem Mortgage in my personal networking group and I spread the word about them whenever I feel that people will benefit from it.
Norma V.
I enthusiastically recommend Tandem Mortgage to all my clients and colleagues. I had the pleasure of working with Tandem Mortgage on a particularly tricky client who was relocating from Texas to California. Tandem Mortgage not only offered me exceptional customer service, but my client was impressed with the ease of the transaction and recommended me to several other clients. That was the first time I could attribute referrals to the quality of my mortgage broker!
19520 Nordhoff Street, Suite 7
Northridge, California 91324
Phone: (818)700-6373
Fax: (818)993-9914